Sunday, February 3, 2013

Returning to Texas

The last two days we spent at a resort that was right on the beach (Pacific side). The view was great and I think it was just what everyone needed after two weeks of intensive hiking and class work.

 I decided to treat myself to a pedicure, lets face it, my feet deserved it. 

The last dinner with the roomies, we all got a little dressy 

The next morning we had to get up at 3am! to get to the airport in time. We got back to Texas safely and even though the rest of the day was a haze due to my lack of sleep, I got to my house in College Station and even manged to get groceries. 

This two week study abroad in Costa Rica was very different compared to my full semester study abroad two years ago, even though we went to some of the same places. There was good and bad to the trip (as there is to every trip), but overall I am grateful for the experience. 

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